
Jul. 23, 2024

Bypassing CGNAT to play multiplayer games on Nintendo Switch Online

So, yeah, my ISP is adding CGNAT to all plans except for their most expensive “gaming” plan. I have what’s called a “private IP.” This means I am not able to connect to multiplayer games that use peer-to-peer connections.

Apr. 26, 2024

Creating pre-paid electricity automation in home assistant

In this guide, we will discuss how to create an automation for pre-paid electricity in Home Assistant. Since there is no built-in feature for this yet, we’ll have to get a little creative.

Nov. 28, 2023

The perfect setup for all of my gaming needs

I’ve now reached the point where I am happy with my gaming setup. I can comfortably play any game I want to play from many different eras. It’s a dream come true for the child within me!

Nov. 14, 2023

Installing Hugo on Alpine Linux and serving the static site with Nginx

In the process of revamping my art site (now offline because I merge my sites into this one), I stumbled upon Hugo, a static site generator similar to Jekyll used for this blog. My art site previously used WordPress. However, in the spirit of trying new things, and because I’m moving this site to my home server, I need it to be low on resource usage.

Aug. 24, 2023

Installing SSL on your self hosted site

This post is a continuation of the previous one about hosting a site from a home server behind CGNAT.

Aug. 23, 2023

Hosting a site from a home server behind CGNAT

For simplicity, I often use Cloudflare Tunnel to make my locally hosted site available to the internet, including this blog. However, Cloudflare Tunnel is unsuitable for file-sharing programs like Pingvin Share due to Cloudflare limitation for file upload.

Jul. 19, 2023

A better solution for mounting SMB/NFS share at boot for Alpine Linux in Proxmox

I finally managed to get a network mount to work in Alpine Linux running in a Proxmox LXC container! This guide is a better solution than the previous post. Let’s start!

Jul. 15, 2023

A solution for mounting SMB/NFS share at boot for Alpine Linux in Proxmox

Update: This is deprecated, a better solution can be found here. I’ll keep this post up in case the better solution is not working for you.

Jul. 4, 2023

Installing Jekyll on Alpine Linux and serving the static site with Nginx

This article will guide you on hosting a static site on an Alpine Linux distro. Jekyll will generate the site, and Nginx will serve it. My goal when starting this project was to have a fully functioning static site hosted on my home server. Resource usage is the most essential part of this project.

Jun. 27, 2023

Removing YouTube Shorts video from the subscription page using uBlock Origin (Updated)

Are you tired of seeing YouTube shorts on your YouTube subscription page? Well, no more!